Friday, 1 March 2019

March Objective

So with February out of the way I have achieved a lot more than expected;

In addition to the objective I set myself (See "Well that was Quick") I also completed the following:

Genestealer Cult: Clamavus

Infinity: Nomad: Moderator of Bakunin with Spitfire

Infinity: Nomad: Wildcat with heavy rocket launcher
Infinity: Nomad: Reverend Moira  - This model had been started last year, so was just a case of finishing it off 

Bolt Action: Soviet infantry (This photo was taken before I finished them, I forgot to take a photo of the finished set)

As such my target for March is as follows:

6 ECW Cavalry armed with pistols (trotters in Pikemans Lament)

4 Genestealers

2 Familiars

1 Genestealer Patriarch - started previousily

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