Much like my other Shaltari, I followed the same colour scheme, so I've written up a shortened version below as it's covered in-depth in other posts.
Like always colours are from the Valejo game colour range unless stated otherwise.
I started by undercoating white using Halfords white primer.
I then liberally smothered the model in Army Painter Strong Tone
Then once the Strong tone was dry I drybrushed several times with Bonewhite (72.034) (I defiantly did this time, well with most of the model anyhow, I some how forgot to drybrush the AA turret)
I then drybrushed Dead White (72.001) several times - you can see the difference between the main body and the AA turret.
The pads were painted Electric Blue (72.023)
Then the Gauss cannon, AA guns, leg joints and leg points were painted Chainmail Silver (72.053), then coated with GW Nuln Oil, once dry I lightly painted the areas Silver (72.052).
Next I drybrushed all over with GW Ceramite White. On previous models its shown and made a difference however this time I don't think it's shows as much. This could be because I used a different drybrush, I'm just not sure.
The canopies were painted with Black (72.051)
The models were then cleaned up where needed. After which they were coated all over with Matt Varnish (70.520), followed by Gloss Varnish (70.510) which was applied to the black canopies, and the Gauss cannon barrels.