Now, much like the zombies (and everything else in that box set), I was way too excited and just built everything without going through my usual review process, so like my zombie post here is a quick run through of the models before I proceed to the painting of my ghouls
It was part of the Mhorgoth Revenge two player starter set, so was a good box with the miniatures nicely stacked inside
The Models
These models have a great level of detail.
The models are made of a strong plastic, which can make them slightly difficult to remove from the sprue.
On the sprue there is a nice selection of heads, arms and some extras to add/convert the models.
Building the Models
The model range come in 3 parts: torso, legs and head, so are are easy and quick to build especially as the pieces fit together nicely.
Now I have encountered two issues when building these, one was converting a hand to the hand holding the cleaver/claw; it's just small and fiddly, resulting in concerns that it will fall off at a later date. My second issue is ranking them up, the arms are in such a way that it can be difficult to rank them up nicely to a bit of shuffling is required to allow this to fit correctly.
The was little to no excess plastic or mould lines.
So as mentioned these are easy to build, so quick as a flash 10 were built (which is good as I've got 30 more!)
So onto the painting: all paints listed are from the Vallejo game range unless otherwise stated:
I started with a grey undercoat in the form of Halford Grey Primer, then based with pva and sand.
Once the sand was dry I tided up the edge of the bases so they ranked up as best they can, then painted the flesh with Pale Flesh (72.003). I like the idea of Ghouls still having an element of being human yet being degenerate at the same time.
Then I painted the cloth in Escorpena Green (72.032), as mentioned in my zombie post this will be my army colours.
Next I painted the nails & spikes with Gunmetal (72.054) and barbs/other spikes with Bonewhite (72.034)
I wanted to give the Ghouls weapons a rusted look so I used an old technique that once featured in an issue of White Dwarf (but adapted using Vallejo colours): Start with a basecoat of Dark Flesh (72.044)
Then dab on a light amount of Parasite Brown (72.044)
Followed by a light dabbing of Orange Fire (72.008)
Then drybrush/highlight with Gun Metal (72.045), and there you have it, rusted weapons
Next I used Gory Red (72.011) around the nails/spikes/barbs etc to represent a soreness in the flesh and added it to the claw of the leader. Then painted the leader's hair Beasty Brown (72.043) and tidied up the flesh/cloth of all of them.
I added a liberal coat of Army Painter Dark Tone all over.
Then drybrushed the flesh with Bonewhite (72.034) and the cloth with Livery Green (72.033)
Next I painted the bases with Charred Brown (72.045), then drybrushed with Plague Brown (72.039), then Bone White (72.034) and added static grass. I finalised the painting by varnishing them all with Matt Varnish (72.520).
Once the varnished was dried I finished by adding a adhesive metal sheet to the movement tray and added magnets to there base. This allows them to be used for KoW as well as any other game that Ghouls feature in like the eagerly anticipated Dragons Rampant.
Once again I am pleased with the end result, I hope you found this helpful and in someway inspirational.
Next unit to paint will be my this blog.