So with all the excitement/rage flying about the internet regarding Warhammer: Age of Sigmar I thought it would be a good idea to review the Sigmarine I got with the latest copy of White Dwarf...
....just kidding as per the title I thought I would in-part my personal views upon the world once more by reviewing the British Expedition Force field guns for All quiet on the Martian front.
So like my Martian's, I thought I would expand my BEF - it has nothing to do with being British, honest! - it's totally to do with getting a fair amount of US with the KS...honest....really! stop looking at me like that!
Lets give it the once over...
The Packaging:
Like I mentioned in my Drone review the packaging is huge! Could this handbag sized blister be reduced; possibly not for these models, I will explain why later.
The Models:
These models consist of 10 parts, which, including the squad commander, comes to 31 fiddly parts.
The models have a good level of detail, especially the crew.
Now these models had so much flash! With the pile of excess metal I had at the end I could have smelted it down and made another crew or two (and that's from the bits that didn't ping across the room).
Some bits of the flash were easier to remove than others. The big issue being how soft this metal is, meaning you can't push too hard on parts of the gun carriage otherwise it starts to bend. Which is why I don't think smaller packaging will work as I believe the pieces will bend, warp and possibly even break.
Building the model:
Like most models from Alien Dungeon for the All quiet on the Martian Front range this doesn't come with instructions, now considering these models consist of 7 (minus the crew) small flimsy pieces it would be very difficult to build these, especially as it transpires that pieces don't go where you might think they do.
However help is at hand as a very helpful member of the forum has created this "How to thread", without it building these models would be almost impossible:
With the webpage open, glue in hand and cold water nearby I set about putting these models together. It was a breeze thanks to the guide, I was able create a production line following the simple process of add glue, add water, leave to dry move on. In no time at all I had built all three. The only difficulty I encountered was adding the "crew seats" (the smallest piece with two lips either side), and that was because the gap which goes over the main shaft was too small, however thanks to the light weight metal I was able to widen the gap to allow me to apply it and when pushing on it sets back to its original position.
Once built, these are lovely models and I now very much look forward to painting these in the near future, so watch this space!
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